How would you rate the moderator, Nicole Bacon's, delivery of this webinar? * 1 = Lowest, 5 = Highest - Select -12345 How would you rate the materials (slides and handouts) for this webinar? * 1 = Lowest, 5 = Highest - Select -12345 How would you rate the content of this webinar? * 1 = Lowest, 5 = Highest - Select -12345 How would you rate the webinar overall? * 1 = Lowest, 5 = Highest - Select -12345 Do you think you got your money’s worth from this webinar? * - Select -YesNo Please provide any additional comments below Was the registration process and notification managed well? * - Select -YesNo Please provide any additional comments below Would you recommend this webinar to a friend? * - Select -YesNo How did you first learn about this FTLF webinar? * - Select -From an FTLF email advertisementFrom a friend or colleagueFrom an internet searchFrom attending a past online trainingFrom attending one of FTLF’s attorney’s live, in-person trainings or eventsFrom working with FTLF in the pastFrom somewhere else, please comment Other source Please tell us anything else, positive or negative, that you think would be useful to us. Leave this field blank