Workshops & National Trainings

The Sliding Fee Discount Program: Updates and Developments

This 3-part webinar series will provide a brief introduction to the HRSA-required SFDP elements, as set forth in the Health Center Program Compliance Manual, along with targeted advice and tips on development and application of the SFDP to complicated and multi-faceted services. Participants will explore aspects of the SFDP that present the most common areas of difficulty in design and implementation and that lead to highest risks of non-compliance.  

Deciphering the Operational Site Visit: Legal Requirements and Practical Tips for a Successful OSV

An updated version of our signature training covering the HRSA Compliance Manual and Site Visit Protocol, with additional time devoted to sliding fee, billing & collections, and credentialing & privileging. To help you prepare for your next on-site assessment, we provide tips from the field and sample checklists for you to take home.

Compliance Subscription Plans

Health Center Compliance Training Plan

An annual subscription for health centers that are serious about compliance.

Section 330 Health Center Program Toolkit

Tools to help Health Centers and look-alike programs understand and comply with HRSA requirements.