Post date: Sep 28 2017 - 11:27 Topics: Section 330
On August 28th HRSA released the long-awaited Health Center Program Compliance Manual. HRSA intends for the Manual to provide a streamlined and consolidated resource to assist health centers in understanding and demonstrating compliance with the Program Requirements. The Manual replaces several Policy Information Notices (PINs) and Program Assistance Letters (PALs), consolidating guidance into one document addressing the elements of the Program Requirements, methodology for documenting compliance, and specific areas of flexibility. HRSA has also issued a Summary of Comments it received on the draft Manual as well as an FAQ document, available here.
Feldesman Tucker Leifer Fidell (FTLF) and NACHC recently announced a five-part webinar series designed to provide information related to the BPHC's new compliance manual for health centers. The series will:
- Detail the key differences between the prior guidance, the Manual, and implications for health center operations.
- Discuss “tips” to implement specific compliance steps at your health center.
- Discover new approaches to everyday compliance.