Medicare/Medicaid Training Bundle

Created for new billing and revenue cycle staff and those who need a refresher, this training provides a foundation for the intricacies of federal payment programs, especially in the context of health center operations.  Over several months, participants will have access to three live workshops and two webinars, leaving with a firm footing and a deeper understanding of these complex systems. For more information or to purchase the bundle, click here



CMS'CY2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule: What FQHCs Need To KnowAvailable On-Demand
FQHCs and Medicare: Key Insights for 2025Email Us for Future Dates
Compliance and the FQHC Revenue CycleMay 12, 2025 | Virtual Classroom
Medicaid for FQHCsEmail Us for Future Dates
The Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) Program: What’s New in 2024Available On-Demand


Workshops & Trainings

Contract Essentials

This three-day virtual training has been specifically designed for health center staff seeking to improve their professional skills in reviewing and negotiating contracts entered by their health center. The curriculum addresses both the general terms found in all types of legal agreements as well as the regulatory issues arising for health centers in contractual arrangements.

Compliance and the FQHC Revenue Cycle

This day-long virtual training focuses on key areas of regulation that federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) encounter at each stage of the revenue cycle, from enrolling the FQHC with federal programs to "on-boarding" clinicians to self-auditing filed claims. The curriculum will address key sources of law, regulation and program guidance, revenue cycle compliance risk areas, Medicare and Medicaid audits and auditing entities and provide an overview of audit processes. 

Managed Care Contracting Strategies

    Are you getting the most out of your Managed Care Organization (MCO) agreements? This workshop will teach you how to better prepare for and negotiate favorable participation agreements with MCOs.

    FQHCs and Medicare: Key Insights for 2025

    A new training developed just for health centers to help your organization address challenges and identify opportunities in serving Medicare patients. This workshop will cover provider enrollment policies, billing and coding practices, fee schedules, and service offerings, among other key topics.

    Medicaid for FQHCs

    There are many reasons for FQHCs to focus on Medicare today. Nationwide, health centers’ Medicare population is growing. This three-day intensive training will help health center personnel address challenges and identify opportunities in serving Medicare patients.