CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule Webinar Series (Live Series)
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Emergency Preparedness Rule, issued in November 2016, gave Medicare and Medicaid participating providers and suppliers (including health centers) one year to meet the compliance requirements. In November 2017, CMS began surveying providers and suppliers for compliance. The surveying process has provided important insight into how health centers can demonstrate compliance with the CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule.
The CMS requirements far exceed the HRSA requirements related to emergency preparedness. Under the CMS Rule, health centers must:
- Conduct an annual risk assessment;
- Develop and implement an emergency plan;
- Develop and implement policies and procedures to execute the emergency plan;
- Update the emergency plan and related policies and procedures in response to risks identified through the annual risk assessment;
- Establish a communication plan to coordinate patient care within and outside health center facilities during an emergency;
- Train all employees on emergency preparedness annually; and
- Test the emergency plan through annual tabletop and full scale exercises.
Feldesman Tucker Leifer Fidell LLP (FTLF) and Primary Care Emergency Preparedness Network (PCEPN) invite you to participate in a four-part webinar series addressing the Rule's core elements. Each webinar session will be devoted to one core element and will provide information on specific requirements in that area, as well as practical tips for implementation. Additional useful resources (i.e. links, documents, templates) will also be provided.
Part I - Introduction - Risk Assessment & Emergency Planning (September 6, 2018)
Part II - Policies & Procedures - Integrated Health Systems (September 13, 2018)
Part III - Communication Plan (September 20, 2018)
Part IV - Training and Testing (September 27, 2018)
Add the recorded Webinar Series for $50 at Checkout
A partner in the firm’s health law practice group, Molly advises health centers on the management of clinical, employment and workforce related risks, with a particular focus on professional liability, Federal Tort Claims Act, and HIPAA matters. From her experience as both a private attorney and in-house counsel, Molly knows the importance of managing liability and risk issues in mission-driven organizations. [Full Bio]
As Partner and Compliance Counsel with the firm’s health law practice group, Dianne advises health centers on implementing effective compliance programs and on addressing top compliance risk areas. Dianne counsels health centers and other organizations on developing compliance programs that include the OIG’s seven elements, respond to identified compliance risk areas and reflect the organization’s culture. Dianne also advises health centers and other organizations on patient privacy and confidentiality, including the HIPAA Privacy Rule and 42 CFR Part 2. She has experience responding to privacy and security incidents, including determining whether there has been a breach, notifying patients and the government, and creating corrective action plans. [Full Bio]
Alexander Lipovtsev has been working with New York’s primary care sector since 2006 when he became a treatment coordinator for a Patient-Centered Medical Home outpatient clinic in Manhattan, which is part of a larger organization providing various services for people with disabilities and their families. Since then, he has worked at several primary care sites and was promoted to Senior Practice Manager overseeing operations of two outpatient clinic sites in Brooklyn, NY, as well as providing counseling to primary care patients as a clinical social worker. Alexander worked as a program manager for a managed care organization, where he assisted with designing, developing and implementing several managed care products. [Full Bio]