(Recorded Webinar) Part IV: Emergency Preparedness for Longterm Care Facilities

Duration: 60 minutes
Webinar recorded on: 3/30/2020


When developing its Emergency Preparedness Rule, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) recognized that longterm care facilities face distinct challenges in keeping patients safe before, during and after disasters.  Compliance with the CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule, in effect since 2017, includes requirements to conduct risk assessments designed to identify hazards likely to affect individual organizations and the communities where they are located; develop, implement and update the organization’s emergency management plan, policies and procedures; establish a written communication plan; and train employees and test the emergency management plan.  This webinar will provide attendees with an overview of these compliance requirements along with strategies for maintaining and documenting compliance.  We will also provide updates on the regulatory requirements (recent and proposed changes), survey results and relevant resources. 

Series Description

The regulatory landscape for providers of post-acute care has changed dramatically in recent months. New requirements of participation for longterm care facilities, promulgated by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in 2016, have been implemented in three phases, with the last and arguably most significant set of changes implemented in November 2019. On October 1, 2019, and January 1, 2020, respectively, CMS implemented new “patient-driven” Medicare payment methodologies for skilled nursing facility services (SNF) and for home health services.

This series of four sixty-minute webinars will provide information and guidance to post-acute care providers on emerging topics relating to the revised requirements of participation and Medicare payment methodologies. Three of the webinars will focus on provider policies that will be under increased scrutiny as a result of the revised requirements of participation: compliance and ethics programs, emergency preparedness plans, and policies and procedures related to patient/resident privacy and information. One webinar will provide an overview of the Patient-Driven Payment Methodology (PDPM) for SNF services and the Patient-Driven Groupings Methodology (PDGM) for home health services, as well as identifying key compliance risks associated with the implementation of these methodologies. Each webinar will provide practical advice on how longterm care facilities and other post-acute care providers can most effectively develop and implement policies to respond to the new or revised requirements, and to strengthen the patient experience and patient care.

Target Audience

  • CEOs and Leadership
  • Operations Staff
  • Emergency Preparedness and Safety Staff
  • Compliance Officers and Risk Managers
  • Quality Officers and Managers

Learning Objectives

After this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Understand compliance requirements for longterm care facilities under the CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule
  • Implement strategies to maintain and document your organization’s compliance
  • Identify steps to incorporate recent changes to the compliance requirements into your organization’s emergency preparedness plan, policies and procedures
Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 1.00 Certificate of Attendance
Course opens: 
Course expires: 


A Partner in the firm’s health law practice group, Molly advises health centers on the management of clinical, employment and workforce-related risks, with a particular focus on professional liability, Federal Tort Claims Act, and HIPAA matters. From her experience as both a private attorney and in-house counsel, Molly knows the importance of managing liability and risk issues in mission-driven organizations. [Full Bio]

Certificates of Attendance: We verify attendance upon completion of a webinar (live or recorded version) and will only issue certificates in the name of the account holder enrolled in the course. If you need to document attendance for someone other than the account holder, we provide blank Certificates of Attendance for a supervisor to sign and certify that a different individual viewed the course. 

Group Attendance: Due to the online nature of webinars, we cannot verify participation by more than one person. For groups, we provide an attendance record form and blank Certificates of Attendance to record attendance at a group viewing session and document each individual's participation. We recommend that a supervisor or colleague sign the certificate to certify attendance. 

Read more about maintaining an attendance record in our FAQs.

Available Credit

  • 1.00 Certificate of Attendance
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Recorded webinars are available for 180 days after the date of purchase or date of the webinar. Once posted to your account, you can view this webinar anytime on-demand during the access period identified in your purchase confirmation. For additional information on viewing and accessing webinars, view our full terms and conditions here.


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No refunds will be provided for recorded webinars. FTLF can transfer a registration to someone else within your organization or, provided you have not already viewed the webinar, transfer the registration to another on-demand program. Where the registration fee for the new webinar is higher, you must also pay the difference between the original course and the new course registration fee at the time of transfer. Administrative fees may also apply. If your organization purchased a webinar under the account of a staff member who no longer works for your organization, please Contact Us. View our full policy on refunds and cancellations here.

Required Hardware/Software

Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are the preferred browsers.