HRSA Compliance Manual and Tips to Prepare for an Operational Site Visit

The community-based governing board is a core pillar of the Health Center Program. In fact, two chapters of the   HRSA Compliance Manual focus specifically on the governing board’s composition and its mandated responsibilities. During this training, presenters will delve   into these Compliance Manual requirements specific to the governing board,   with a focus on common pitfalls. The presenters will also provide participants with information regarding the HRSA Operational Site Visit (OSV) assessments along with practical tips for the governing board’s preparation and participation in the OSV. For example, the presenters will list various questions the board should collectively review and discuss prior to the governing board’s meeting with the OSV reviewers. 

Target Audience

  • NYS Community Health Center Board Members and Executive Leadership
Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 


A Partner at the firm, Marcie specializes in health care law, particularly in the areas of federal grants, grant-related requirements and grants management related to the federal health center program. Health centers turn to Marcie as a resource for knowing not only the letter of the law, but also the likely interpretation of requirements by federal policymakers, including the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). [Full Bio]

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Registration for the Board Leadership Institute is being conducted by the Community Health Care Association of New York State (CHCANYS).

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