Moving to an Alternative Payment Method (APM), Board Considerations

CHCs have historically been reimbursed by Medicaid on a per visit basis.This volume driven reimbursement model has many flaws including the inability to transform clinical practices away from billable providers as well as the inability to isolate CHCs from revenue reductions due to volume fluctuations and rate reductions as became evident during this COVID-19 pandemic.An APM, reimbursing CHCs on a per patient basis versus per visit allows CHCs to transform the delivery of health care and provide sustainable Medicaid revenue streams.This training will provide Boards with the basic premise behind the advantage of an APM and how it would benefit financial performance.

Target Audience

  • NYS Community Health Center Board Members and Executive Leadership
Course summary
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Registration for the Board Leadership Institute is being conducted by the Community Health Care Association of New York State (CHCANYS).

To register for the Institute, click here.


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Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are the preferred browsers.