The Intersection of Governance, Risk Management and Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement Efforts

A resource issued by the Office of Inspector General states: “Governing boards of health care organizations increasingly are called to respond to important new developments – clinical, operational and regulatory – associated with quality of care… These new issues are so critical to the operation of health care organizations that they require attention and oversight, as a matter of fiduciary obligation, by the governing board.”Consistent with such expectation, the HRSA Compliance Manual requires that health center boards must approve their Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement (QI/QA) Plan and evaluate the performance of the health center based on QI/QA assessments. In addition, the board has a significant role with regard to the implementation and oversight of risk management activities.  During this webinar, the presenters will delve into the board’s duties with regard to QI/QA and risk management activities, providing advice and guidance including practical tips for effective performance.

Target Audience

  • NYS Community Health Center Board Members and Executive Leadership
Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 


A Partner in the firm’s health law practice group, Molly advises health centers on the management of clinical, employment and workforce related risks, with a particular focus on professional liability, Federal Tort Claims Act, and HIPAA matters. From her experience as both a private attorney and in-house counsel, Molly knows the importance of managing liability and risk issues in mission-driven organizations. [Full Bio]


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Registration for the Board Leadership Institute is being conducted by the Community Health Care Association of New York State (CHCANYS).

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