Fundamentals of Effective Governance

Fundamentals of Effective Governance: Duty of Loyalty, Conflicts of Interest, and the Role of the Health Center Board. Every board member owes the health center a duty of loyalty. Specifically, every board member must act in the best interests of the health center and not in a manner that furthers personal interests at the health center’s expense. Impartial decision-making is critical for effective health center governance and identifying and managing actual and perceived conflicts of interest is key to this process. During this training the presenters will discuss the basic legal responsibilities board members have as stewards of Health Center Program grant funds, as well as potential pitfalls commonly faced by governing board members, with a focus on conflicts of interest and confidentiality.

Target Audience

  • NYS Community Health Center Board Members and Executive Leadership
Course summary
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A Senior Partner at the firm, Jacki counsels national, regional, and state primary care associations and serves as General Counsel to the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC). She has provided training to tens of thousands of health center Boardmembers over the course of four decades and has advised hundreds of federally qualified health centers and other community-based health care providers, health center controlled networks, and managed care companies. Jacki handles a variety of corporate matters, including corporate formation and restructuring, consolidations, and affiliations between and among FQHCs, local health departments, health systems, hospitals, rural health clinics, private group practices, oral health providers, and behavioral health providers. She also helped create the graduate healthcare compliance certificate program at George Washington University, where she is a Professorial Lecturer. [Full Bio]


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Registration for the Board Leadership Institute is being conducted by the Community Health Care Association of New York State (CHCANYS).

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