Reading Financial Documents and Financial Reporting

This training will consist of 2 parts. The first section will focus on how to review financial statements and key performance metrics that Boards should be focusing on during monthly Board meetings. Since financial statements are often confusing for non-financial members, the training will focus on basic financial metrics that Board members should understand to evaluate whether any red flags should be raised on financial performance. The second part of this training will focus on the fiduciary responsibilities of the Board, finance committee and Treasurer, including HRSA requirements. In addition, a risk management perspective will be provided to assure the Board and the center have a process in place to ensure all regulatory reports are filed appropriately, with an appropriate quality control process, to minimize any future financial repercussions.

Target Audience

  • NYS Community Health Center Board Members and Executive Leadership
Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Please login or register to take this course.

Registration for the Board Leadership Institute is being conducted by the Community Health Care Association of New York State (CHCANYS).

To register for the Institute, click here.


No cancelations. If offline payment option is selected, fees will be invoiced, and registration will be confirmed upon payment. CHCANYS retains the right to photograph, video-record and/or audio-record training participants and to place captured images, recordings, or testimonials in print publications, website posts, or social media posts or other communications. Participants may request that CHCANYS not use or disclose their images, recordings and/or testimonials by sending a written notice to [email protected].

Required Hardware/Software

Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are the preferred browsers.