Premium Plan Q1 Compliance Chat

The Quarterly Compliance Chats are a benefit of the Premium Plan. Only Premium Plan Subscribers are permitted to register for this event.

As part of the Premium Plan, each quarter, FTLF attorneys host an informal Compliance Chat to focus on a different hot topic area in compliance and risk management, describing some of the ever-present and emerging challenges and facilitating a broader discussion.

During the Compliance Chat, Jason Reddish, Partner, will discuss the recent U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit's ruling in favor of drug manufactures refusing to ship drugs purchased through the federal 340B drug discount program to contract pharmacies if a covered entity owns a pharmacy. For more information, read our client alert here.

Course summary
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Course expires: 


As Manager of Compliance and Risk Management Services with the firm's health care practice group, Alex assists in developing, implementing, and managing FTLF’s compliance and risk management training and technical assistance services. A former Senior Director of Emergency Management at the Community Health Care Association of New York State, he is also a licensed clinical social worker. [Full Bio]


As Partner and Compliance Counsel with the firm’s health law practice group, Dianne advises health centers on implementing effective compliance programs and on addressing top compliance risk areas. Dianne counsels health centers and other organizations on developing compliance programs that include the OIG’s seven elements, respond to identified compliance risk areas, and reflect the organization’s culture. Dianne also advises health centers and other organizations on patient privacy and confidentiality, including the HIPAA Privacy Rule and 42 CFR Part 2. She has experience responding to privacy and security incidents, including determining whether there has been a breach, notifying patients and the government, and creating corrective action plans. [Full Bio]


As of June 2023, Jason Reddish is no longer with the firm.

Jason focuses his practice on the federal 340B drug discount program and the complex legal and compliance issues facing safety net providers, pharmacies, and other 340B program stakeholders. Jason began his career representing pharmaceutical manufacturers before finding his passion helping 340B program covered entities, including disproportionate share hospitals, Federally Qualified Health Centers, Ryan White HIV/AIDS clinics, and other grantees navigate the 340B program.


Susannah is a Partner in the firm’s health law practice group where she focuses on health care litigation and regulatory counseling, with a focus on Medicaid and Medicare payment, financing, and compliance issues. Susannah brings regulatory expertise to bear when advising clients and pursuing litigation on their behalf. She has experience negotiating Medicaid waivers and managed care arrangements on behalf of providers, provider associations, and governmental entities. She represented a group of providers in reaching a settlement in major Medicaid litigation. [Full Bio]


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The recorded version of this compliance chat will be available within seven (7) business days after the conclusion of the live event. Premium Plan subscribers will have access to the recording for 90 days after enrolling. 

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