Transition to Part 200 for HHS Grantees - Changes in Grant Administration
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This webinar is part 2 of 3 in the From Part 75 to Part 200: How, What, and When webinar series. To purchase the full series, click here.
The second in a three part series on the major change for HHS Grant Recipients – the end of Part 75 and the adoption of Part 200 - will focus on changes to the federal grant administration provisions in Subpart D of the Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR Part 200. A sample of topics include mandatory disclosures, cybersecurity, sub-recipient agreements including advance payments, federal approvals and fixed amount subawards, prior approvals, budget flexibility, procurement, property, program income and closeout. We will also note any changes to these topics in the recently issued HHS Grants Policy Statement (first change in 17 years!). Please join to learn how to best prepare your organization for the massive changes.
Target Audience
- Individuals involved in managing grants and sub-grants from the Department of Health and Human Services
Learning Objectives
After this webinar, you will be able to:
- Understand what will be different when Part 200 applies to HHS Grants
- Explain when will the changes be effective
- Describe which new provisions offer the greatest opportunity for your organization
- Discuss what policy changes will be necessary to be in compliance
Ted Waters
Serving as Managing Partner of the firm, Ted is a national authority in the area of federal grants, particularly in the community service and health spheres. He is well known for his experience in Head Start program requirements, governance, audits, and grant administrative issues, and his strategic handling of organizations facing crises. [Full Bio].
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- Answer at least 3 of the polling questions during the webinar
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- Prerequisites: None
- Target Audience: Individuals involved in managing grants and sub-grants from the Department of Health and Human Services
- Advanced Preparation: None
- Program Level: All
- Delivery Method: Group Internet Based
- Attendance Requirements: In order to be awarded the full credits, you must respond to at least three (3) polling questions.
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Available Credit
- 1.00 Certificate of Attendance
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