From Part 75 to Part 200: How, What, and When

Access the on-demand webinar series here.

On September 27, 2024, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a rather earth-shattering interim final rule in which it adopted the threshold changes in the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR Part 200) that the Office of Management issued in April of this year just four days later on October 1, 2024.  While adopting the thresholds was not too earth-shattering, the rest of the interim rule was (and is); HHS announced that on October 1, 2025, it will adopt all of 2 CFR Part 200 and eliminate what has been the HHS version of the Uniform Guidance found at 45 CFR Part 75.  This change was ten years overdue as by adopting Part 75, HHS undermined the very purpose of the Uniform Guidance, i.e., uniformity.  

Join us for this three-part webinar series on the major transition from 45 CFR Part 75 to the newly revised 2 CFR Part 200, covering essential federal funding compliance measures for HHS grantees. 

Phase I
What's In, What's Out, and When Does It All Happen?

Available on-demand

Phase II
Transition to Part 200 for HHS Grantees – Changes in Grant Administration (supplemented by new HHS Grants Policy Statement)
Available on-demand

Phase III
Transition to Part 200 for HHS Grantees – Changes to the Cost Principles and Audit Requirements (supplemented by new HHS Grants Policy Statement) 
February 25, 2025 | 1:00 p.m. ET

Target Audience

  • Individuals involved in managing grants and sub-grants from the Department of Health and Human Services

Learning Objectives

Part 75: What's In, What's Out, and When Does It All Happen?

  • Understand HHS' actions in its September interim final rule
  • Explain the provisions that went into effect immediately and list what is not yet effective
  • Confirm the changes should you make now and those you will implement at at future date

Transition to Part 200 for HHS Grantees – Changes in Grant Administration
(supplemented by new HHS Grants Policy Statement)

  • Understand what will be different when Part 200 applies to HHS Grants
  • Explain when will the changes be effective
  • Describe which new provisions offer the greatest opportunity for your organization
  • Discuss what policy changes will be necessary to be in compliance

Transition to Part 200 for HHS Grantees – Changes to the Cost Principles and Audit Requirements
(supplemented by new HHS Grants Policy Statement)

  • Clarify the changes in the de minimus rate and explain modified total direct costs
  • Describe audit requirements in the Uniform Guidance
  • Begin to develop policies and procedures that reflect all the upcoming changes
Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 

Ted Waters

Serving as Managing Partner of the firm, Ted is a national authority in the area of federal grants, particularly in the community service and health spheres. He is well known for his experience in Head Start program requirements, governance, audits, and grant administrative issues, and his strategic handling of organizations facing crises. [Full Bio].

Participants can earn up to 3.6 CPE credits in Specialized Knowledge and Applications upon completion of all course requirements.


If you purchase CPE credit for this webinar you must satisfy the following conditions in order to receive your certificate:

  1. Answer at least 3 of the polling questions during each webinar
  2. Complete the evaluation survey after the conclusion of the webinar or in the follow-up email

Upon completion of these requirements, we will email you your CPE Certificate within seven (7) business days.


  • Prerequisites: None 
  • Target Audience: Individuals involved in managing grants and sub-grants from the Department of Health and Human Services
  • Advanced Preparation: None  
  • Program Level: All
  • Delivery Method: Group Internet Based
  • Attendance Requirements: In order to be awarded the full credits, you must respond to least three (3) polling questions per 50-minute credit hour during each webinar.

Feldesman Leifer LLP is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website (formerly

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Access to the recorded version of this webinar series is included in your purchase.

Webinar Access

The webinars in this course are only available for purchase as an entire webinar series. The recorded version of each webinar will be available in your account within seven (7) business days of each session and you will have access to the recordings for 180 days after the conclusion of the series. Once posted to your account, you can view each webinar anytime on-demand during the access period identified in your purchase confirmation. For additional information on viewing and accessing webinars, view our full terms and conditions here.

Payment Policy

We accept the following forms of payment: American Express, Mastercard, Visa, ACH, PayPal, electronic check, and check. For information about the methods of payment we accept, please review our Payment FAQs


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Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are the preferred browsers.