(Recorded Webinar) Full Enrollment Initiative

Duration: 75 minutes
Recorded on: 01/28/2025

In the 2007 Head Start Reauthorization, Congress imposed significant requirements to maintain full enrollment or face severe consequences.  These statutory requirements have an interesting history of light enforcement for many years but that enforcement environment changed during the first Trump Administration with the issuance of a Program Instruction on the “Full Enrollment Initiative” in 2018 (ACF-PI-HS-18-04) (FEI PI).  The FEI PI, tracking the Head Start Act, laid out the process for notification, corrective action and designation as chronically underenrolled with automatic cuts to a program’s Head Start grant.  It also included a process to appeal the cuts and included the option of a one-hour “hearing” on the appeal with senior officials at the Office of Head Start.   

OHS suspended enforcement of the FEI during the pandemic and for some years after as Head Start programs worked furiously to recruit, enroll, and retain children while maintaining staffing levels through a very difficult period and its aftereffects.  Recently, however, OHS has begun to fully enforce the FEI, sending out chronically underenrolled letters with the automatic one-to-one cuts in Head Start funding. There is certainly no reason to believe that the new Administration will not continue enforcement and all Head Start programs should take proactive steps to avoid, as best they can, the worst of the FEI.

This session provides an attorney’s perspective on how to avoid a designation of “chronically underenrolled,” what to consider if your program does receive the designation, and what happens if your program is unable to meet 97% of enrollment at the end of the 12-month plan. We will consider strategies including requesting slot reductions or conversions and improved recruitment efforts to keep your agency in compliance, as well as how to appeal unfavorable decisions for potential reduction in funding.

Please note: This webinar is offered as a complimentary product to all Head Start Training Package holders. For more information on our Head Start Training Package, click here or contact us.

Target Audience

  • CEOs, Executive Directors/ Head Start Directors
  • CFOs
  • COOs
  • ERSEA Managers
  • Other Staff

Learning Objectives

After this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Understand the requirements of Section 642(g) of the Head Start Act and ACF-PI-HS-18-04
  • Outline how to conduct internal monitoring to verify whether your program maintains full enrollment, to the Head Start requirements
  • Know your appeal rights in the event that your program is designated as chronically underenrolled
Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 1.00 Certificate of Attendance
Course opens: 
Course expires: 

Ted Waters

Serving as Managing Partner of the firm and a member of the Federal Grants and Health Care practice groups, Ted is a national authority in the area of federal grants, particularly in the community service spheres. He advises Head Start clients on all aspects of program requirements, including governance, cost share and the never-ending list of grant administration matters. Ted's experience in administrative issues is widely recognized, and he routinely handles government audits, internal investigations and litigation. [Full Bio]

Certificates of Attendance: We verify attendance upon completion of a webinar (live or recorded version) and will only issue certificates in the name of the account holder enrolled in the course. If you need to document attendance for someone other than the account holder, we provide blank Certificates of Attendance for a supervisor to sign and certify that a different individual viewed the course. 

Group Attendance: Due to the online nature of webinars, we cannot verify participation by more than one person. For groups, we provide an attendance record form and blank Certificates of Attendance to record attendance at a group viewing session and document each individual's participation. We recommend that a supervisor or colleague sign the certificate to certify attendance. 

Read more about maintaining an attendance record in our FAQs.

Available Credit

  • 1.00 Certificate of Attendance


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